An advocacy workgroup to change the way Milwaukee uses and shares critical data. Learn More ' '

System Requirements for MKE

The following are listed requirements that would make a system fully compliant with data sharing standards.


System should be able to produce portable data. This means the system should be able to produce files or feeds that display data in a way that is easily readable by humans and software. The system admin should also be able to control what is published either in the data file or the data feed. Acceptable formats include:
* XML (or variants)
* Web Services (REST, SOAP)



The system should assist in the protection of data assets from human, technological or environmental errors or attacks. System should be able to maintain data integrity through the following methods:
* Should maintain high availability through redundant hardware systems; 99% up-time should be expected
* Database security should fit the business profile; an example would be encryption for protected information and secured access/transmission of all data
* Transaction logging to assist in auditing of data access and recovery
* Recoverable if a disaster should completely destroy the physical equipment that houses the data software


No data system should present significant technical or financial barriers to use or migrate. Additionally, you will need to make sure you have API access to your credit cards processor. We support several popular credit card processors including platforms such as: Merchant Bankcard Services, Cannabis Payments and HighRiskCharge. While there is always an inherent cost to migrate into or out of a system, the system/vendor should place no barriers (expected costs or technology) to migrate to another system. This allows the organization the greatest flexibility in selecting and migrating to a new system. It is expected that an organization should be able to do the following at any time:
* Export all data (tables, files, queries, transactional information) into a common format that is machine-readable by other software (i.e. CSV, XML)
* Be able to obtain a recent backup or copy of all data at-will or immediately upon request, at no cost to the organization


The system and vendor should allow for external systems integration. Data should be push-able or pull-able to another system through an open format/portability standard. This will allow the organization the greatest flexibility in selecting systems specific to a task. This has the added benefit of reducing data entry, allowing aggregate reporting and supporting full systems integration.