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City of Milwaukee Parking Violations /files/2012 tickets issued.xlsxThis is a list of all parking violations issued in 2012 in the City of Milwaukee
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The Google Transit Public Feed List
View DetailsFundamental Attributes Core attributes to describe a product - including product name, brand, size, category, UPC, and Factual ID. Powerful Search & UPC Lookup Easily lookup complete product information using only a UPC or full-text search, with advanced filtering and faceting, and popularity rank for sorting. Definitive Data We clean, normalize, and combine data from multiple sources in order to provide you with the most definitive data for each product in our dataset.
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Wisconsin's Information Network for Successful Schools (WINSS) Data on Wisconsin Public (and some private schools) schools including achievement, behavior, demographics, staffing and resources. No API, only CSVs.
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Index of all publicly available data sets from Census Bureau.
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View DetailsThe City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) is pleased to give you access to our food establishment inspection reports.
View DetailsThe Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool is brought to you by the Office of Postsecondary Education of the U.S. Department of Education.
View DetailsAs your County Treasurer, one of my priorities is to provide information on unclaimed funds to the citizens of Milwaukee County. Every odd-numbered year, our office receives funds from municipalities and county departments that have been unclaimed by their proper owner. We then take on the duty of finding the rightful owners of these unclaimed funds, as provided by Wisconsin Statute 59.66. The provision of information about unclaimed funds is intended to protect the owner's ability to recover these funds. The County Treasury is responsible for the safekeeping and return of monies designated as "unclaimed".
View DetailsThis is a list of all parking spaces and their code signs. The code descriptions will be coming soon.
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ParkMilwaukee.com is your parking resource for Downtown Milwaukee! Milwaukee is a collection of cultures, connections and creativity. It's people, places and partnerships. Think big city with a small town attitude. Milwaukee has the best of both worlds. World-class amenities like the Milwaukee Art Museum, Miller Park and Summerfest. Small town treasures like authentic architecture and neighborhoods, terrific ethnic restaurants, beautiful gardens parks and boulevards, a spectacular lakefront and nearby hills and forests that make getting away for the weekend very easy.
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The Milwaukee County Automated Mapping and Land Information System (MCAMLIS) is a public-private consortium begun in 1990 by and between Milwaukee County, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, AT&T Communications and We Energies. A Steering Committee, comprised of representatives from each of the above entities plus representatives from the City of Milwaukee and the Intergovernmental Cooperation Council of Milwaukee County oversee all activities of the consortium.
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SpotCrime is a crime data aggregator. We map the crime incidents, plot them on Google Maps, and deliver alerts via email, Facebook, Twitter, SMS, RSS and a multitude of other platforms. The data comes from police departments, news reports and user-generated content. Our goal is to provide the most accurate, timely geocoded crime information to the public.
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Twitter 'mood' by location. Since August 2005, We Feel Fine has been harvesting human feelings from a large number of weblogs. Every few minutes, the system searches the world's newly posted blog entries for occurrences of the phrases "I feel" and "I am feeling". When it finds such a phrase, it records the full sentence, up to the period, and identifies the "feeling" expressed in that sentence (e.g. sad, happy, depressed, etc.). Because blogs are structured in largely standard ways, the age, gender, and geographical location of the author can often be extracted and saved along with the sentence, as can the local weather conditions at the time the sentence was written. All of this information is saved.
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The idea behind COMPASS is quite simple; a community can collaborate better, if it has a better picture of how problems and opportunities are really interelated. Basically, shared data is integral to good collaboration and problem solving.
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With Map Milwaukee, you can… • Locate points of interest such as firehouses; police stations; hospitals; libraries; and liquor licenses. • Display bikeways, including on-street bikeways; planned/proposed bikeways; the Oak Leaf Trail; and other trails • Display land use symbols; freeways; streets; railroads; parcels; airports; waterways; and parks and parkways. • Find information about schools, including the location of schools and elementary, middle, and high school districts. • Obtain election information, specifically polling places; voting wards; aldermanic districts; and county supervisor districts. • Retrieve a great deal of property, zoning, and neighborhood data: tax delinquent properties; property violations, permits, and service requests; land use; parcels; local and national historic districts; targeted investment neighborhoods; tax incremental districts; and 2001 development zones and zoning. • Learn about City services, such as fire battalions; police districts; health districts; summer and winter garbage routes; and recycling routes. • Look up general reference information, specifically zip codes; city limits; quarter sections; and watersheds. • Zoom in on a fascinating orthophoto – a copy of a photograph taken from the air in the spring of 2000 that has been corrected.
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Look up traffic accidents that have been recorded in the City. Search by case number, name or date. Gives results and not portable.
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By using E-Notify you can find out when important things happen in the City. You can receive several different types of notices from the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee Public Schools. Including news releases, meeting notices and agendas, job announcements, new property sale listings, bid notices, online auction items, and many others. Once you choose your topics, just sit back and wait for the pertinent information to come directly to you.
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My Milwaukee Home provides the user with a wide variety of facts about their residence and its surrounding area. By simply entering a valid City of Milwaukee street address, users can obtain information about their home and their neighborhood including: property's details, street parking restrictions, nearest public schools, location of nearby Choice and Charter schools, ... Much more.
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You may view case information by performing searches by case number, citation number, defendant name or violation location. Once you are viewing the details of a case, you can make an online payment – with no additional service charges or convenience fees -- by clicking the ‘Make a Payment’ button. Please note the website will only display cases that have not yet been satisfied or have been satisfied within the last 5 years.
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